Ana Osório

Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer

With a degree in Financial Management and a degree in Marketing, Ana has over 20 years of experience in a corporate career spent in large FMCG companies, specifically in the Food & Beverage sector.

Since 2015 she has dedicated herself to developing of new businesses as an entrepreneur and independent consultant collaborating with other organisations related to Impact Business development. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to Innovation and Technology fields more focused on agribusiness sector. Her special interests include traceability and supply chain monitoring projects in agroecology and regenerative agriculture, with particular emphasis on social impact.

Since 2019, her projects have begun to meet initiatives associated with the voluntary carbon market, which is a funding alternative for the development and implementation of projects whose principles are based on ESG practices. Her expertise covers different areas, including extensive knowledge of the mass consumer market, business strategies for B2B and B2C channels, traceability and monitoring projects, capacity building and training programs for small producers, formation of cooperatives, structuring of blended finance, and knowledge of technologies in the scope of the so-called ESGTech (including GreenTech, CleanTech, AgTech, FinTech, IoT, AI, among others).

Luís Marinheiro

Co-Founder & Director of Partnerships

He has more than 25 years of experience as a consultant, researcher and senior engineer in Environmental Engineering in several national and international entities, accumulating a vast professional experience in projects and studies related to waste and resource management and recovery, water and wastewater treatment and recovery, odour control and treatment, environmental planning and governance, and circular economy.

After graduating in Environmental Engineering, he dedicated his thesis to the modelling of the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants and extended his academic training with a Master’s degree in Biological Engineering. He was a higher education teacher having lectured several subjects in the environmental domains. He was vice-chair of the technical-scientific committee of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) until 2021 and is an active member of several national professional associations in the sector (Portuguese Engineers Order, APEA, and APESB).

He is currently the Global Market Director of AST – Environmental Solutions and Services and a Board Member of Aquasmart – Water and Wastewater Treatment Solutions, Wedotech, SLMK, StartOI and Carbon Blue. His know-how is also associated with several R&D projects of technological application.

Ruben Jorge

Co-Founder & Chief Scientist

Ruben’s portfolio includes several technology-based business projects he has founded and currently leads, whose common goal is to provide the market with innovative solutions/technologies capable of responding to increasingly current sustainability trends: Circularity, Digitalisation & Neutrality.

After graduating in Microbiology at ESB-UCP (1996), he continued his academic training in London at Imperial College, where he obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering (2000) focusing on the optimisation of biotechnologies exposed to dynamic treatment conditions. He pursued his research career through Post-Doctorates (2001-2006) carried out between London (Imperial College) and Porto (ESB-UCP) in the areas of biological treatment of VOCs, where he coordinated several projects focused on the demonstration of these technologies at an industrial scale. Advanced training in Organisational Foresight and Strategy by CNAM – Conservatoire National des Arts et Mettiers (Paris). Winner of the 1st CoHiTec organised by COTEC with the project that originated, in 2006, the WEDOTECH – a specialised technical consultancy company nationally recognised for the practice of Research, Development and Innovation activities in the Agro-Food, Water and Environment and Blue Economy areas, amongst other.

Sérgio Real

Co-Founder & Market Development

With a degree in business administration, he relaunched the ‘A Poveira’ cannery, through the construction of one of the most modern industrial units in the fish canning area, and the creation of some of the best-known canned fish brands in Portugal today.

He was a shareholder and manager of Expoconser, S.A., a company dedicated to the commercialisation of tinned fish, for 25 years. In 2007 he joined the working group for the certification of the Portuguese sardine fishery, being the first species of certified fish in the Iberian Peninsula with the MSC Certificate, and later he became part of the Monitoring Committee for Fisheries in order to foster the growth of the sector. He held the position of President of ANICP (National Association of Canned Fish Manufacturers) for six years, and, in addition, he was Vice-President of the General Council of the CIP, Portuguese Business Confederation. In 2015 he was invited to join the Board of Directors of the Observatory of Traceability of Fishery Products. In 2018 he founded the company TALISMAN, dedicated to producing and marketing quality olive oil and in 2020, the Mar Délice company dedicated to new canned food development and its commercialisation.

Stefan Löblich

Co-Founder & Delivery Excellence/Engineer

Graduated in Polymer Engineering at TGM, “The Institute of Technology” (B.Sc. 1988), he continued his education in Biotechnology and Food Technology in Vienna/Austria, where he obtained a Dipl.Ing. degree from BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.

He was a trainer in seminars of UNIDO, “United Nations Industrial Development Organisation” and participated in research projects at LKT – Polymer and Environmental Centre, Vienna. He also coordinated several R&D projects for the industry on polymer technologies.

With over 25 years of experience, he has worked in several private companies at the international level in the environmental sector. In 2008, he founded the company AST – Environmental Solutions and Services, dedicated to the treatment of water and wastewater by membranes, being today the market leader in reverse osmosis systems for landfill leachate treatment, developing this activity globally. In recent years he has dedicated himself to several R&DT projects recognised by ANI (National Agency for Innovation in Portugal).

He is currently the owner of Gruenau, a holding company with participation in several companies focused on the environment.